Retail Meat apprenticeships on the move


07 July 2021

The management and support of Retail Meat apprenticeships in Aotearoa has a new home, with transitional industry training organisation (TITO) Competenz passing on the baton – or cleaver – to training provider Skills4Work.

The move takes effect on Monday 02 August 2021 and is part of the Government’s Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE), which aims to create a strong, unified, and sustainable vocational education system. It comes after over two years of planning, consultation, and advocacy by Competenz and Skills4Work within the butchery sector.

Skills4Work CEO Tamai Roff said the move was a momentous and historic event for her organisation, which will be the first registered and accredited training provider to have arranging training (apprenticeships) functions move to it from a TITO.

“This is a milestone achievement for us as a medium-sized provider: we are, and have been, walking amongst giants in the industry. Competenz and Skills4Work worked with our employers and stakeholders to gain support for this. We’ve also both partnered closely with the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) RoVE project team and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), to ensure it will be a smooth process. I know I speak for ourselves and Competenz when I say we are very appreciative of their mahi to help us achieve our vision”, Ms Roff said.

Competenz CEO Fiona Kingsford praised both organisations, who had collaborated closely to ensure no changes to the service or support employers and learners receive through the pending transition. Competenz and Skills4Work have worked in partnership over many years to support the Retail Meat sector, and this played a big part in industry having confidence in the transition.

“Ensuring a seamless handover is our priority, and we believe that thanks to the hard work and commitment of both our teams, come Monday 02 August, it will be business – and learning – as normal in the Retail Meat Sector,” Ms Kingsford said.

In preparation, Skills4Work has built its capacity by expanding its Auckland training centre and adding to its staff structure to ensure sustainability and growth. This includes the recent appointment of Chief Operating Officer Monique Le Marque to the role of 2IC to the CEO and building their field-facing team.

“We’ve been building capacity by taking on more Butchery Training Advisors, including the transfer of the highly experienced Competenz Butchery Training Advisor Rob Prins, whose knowledge, capability and relationships are highly valued by us and the employers and apprentices he works with. Our whole team are excited to be part of this landmark moment in our business, ensuring we are set for a successful transition.

Competenz has set a very high standard of care and support to butchery learners and employers, and we are ready to continue that,” Ms Roff added.

Competenz is a business division of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited. Learn More

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