Factsheet for providers and schools

information for providers and schools regarding the transition of standard setting and qualification functions.

Qualifications and standards, reviews, and support

WDCs are responsible for developing and maintaining qualifications, and developing, setting, and maintaining unit standards for the industries they represent. These qualifications and standards were previously being managed by TITOs and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) National Qualification Services.

Qualifications and standards have been updated on NZQA’s system (as of 04 October 2021) and you will be able to find out which ones have been transferred to each WDC by searching NZQA’s website:

  • For qualifications, search by keyword or qualification number on the NZQF. Click on the qualification to view the name of the WDC it sits with.
  • For standards, search for the unit standard by number (or via field/subfield/domain) on the Directory of Assessment Standards. The name of the associated WDC will be displayed on the resulting screen. Note: the individual Word and PDF documents relating to the standard may still show the previous standard setting body’s details.

You may have been working with a TITO on a project to review a qualification or unit standard. If that review was not completed by 04 October 2021, the project will have been handed over to the appropriate WDC.

Scheduled consistency reviews are not impacted by the transition of functions from TITOs to WDCs.

Providers (including TITOs who have not yet transitioned their arranging training function) who have awarded a qualification that is undergoing a review are still expected to attend consistency reviews. If providers have any questions about consistency reviews, please contact NZQA.

The new WDC endorse programmes function is scheduled to go live from 01 February 2022.​

Until then, as part of the NZQA programme approval process, providers will need to request a letter of support from the relevant WDC. This is a refinement of the current requirement to seek support from the qualification developer (i.e. a TITO) for a new programme.​

The WDC will check that the programme fits within the qualification guidelines and can be effectively delivered and assessed. If the WDC has concerns about the programme, it will work with the relevant provider to help resolve those concerns.​

More details about this interim process is available on each WDC’s website.

National external moderation

From 04 October 2021, the standard setting function of TITOs was transitioned to WDCs.

As a result of the transition, the National External Moderation system, which provides assurance in the quality of assessment carried out by organisations with consent to assess, will be managed by WDCs in compliance with the relevant Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) document. 

The information below summarises the transition of National External Moderation activities from TITOs to WDCs.

  • Pre-assessment moderation will be conducted by WDCs from 04 October 2021 and will continue as specified in the current CMR documents.
  • The process for submitting pre-assessment moderation to the WDC and a pre-assessment moderation coversheet is available on the relevant WDC website.
  • From 04 October WDCs will be prioritising moderation activities, and planning for 2022. This is to ensure that WDCs are focusing their efforts on where they can add the most value to industry and the vocational education system.
  • Accordingly, there will be no immediate requirements for providers to submit post-assessment moderation or take part in site-visits.
  • WDCs will contact providers with the new requirements for post-assessment moderation and onsite moderation in preparation for the 2022 calendar year.
  • If you have submitted pre-assessment or post-assessment moderation material to a TITO and they have not yet completed the moderation, this will be transferred to the WDC.
  • You can expect the relevant WDC to be in touch to provide a moderation report or ask any questions.
  • Providers may wish to appeal moderation decisions made by WDCs.
  • The appeals form and process is available on the WDC website from 04 October 2021.


From 04 October 2021, WDCs will support consent to assess applications where they are the standard setting body.  

Schools and providers will continue to apply to NZQA for consent to assess any unit standards they intend to assess, and to meet the requirements of the appropriate CMR.

As part of the NZQA application process, schools and providers will need to supply a letter of support from the relevant WDC. This letter attests that the provider meets the specific industry requirements, including having the resources to effectively deliver and assess the unit standard(s). 

Providers will be able to access an application form for support for consent to assess on the relevant WDC website.  

Please note that NZQA makes the final decision on the consent to assess application, and the process is not completed until NZQA has awarded consent to assess to the applicant organisation. For more information on the NZQA process, please refer to this website.

From 04 October 2021, WDCs will develop and maintain Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) documents.  

Each CMR covers the requirements that organisations must meet to assess against unit standards in the scope of the CMR, and the moderation process that organisations with consent to assess need to engage in.

The CMRs will not change from their current versions for 04 October 2021. CMRs will be reviewed and rationalised over time. However, on 04 October a coversheet will be added to each CMR to identify the relevant WDC/s. More information about CMRs can be found here.

 If any changes to CMRs are made post 04 October 2021, WDCs will notify providers and all affected parties.  

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